Episode 141 - Using Your Powers

As we continually develop our spiritual nature, we become more conscious of our inner divine powers and call on them to do the work of Spirit in our relationships, work, life challenges, and creative endeavors. We become masters of our inner gifts and use them for Good. In this episode, we share how we use these powers in our lives and reflect on how they work cooperatively to balance, temper, and complement each other. Since it was our last time together as a group, those who were moved shared what the ministry of The Spiritual Forum has meant to them. Going forward, The Spiritual Forum podcast will be in a new format consisting of interviews, focus groups, and Rev. Carol's occasional reflections


Jesus’s calling of the twelve disciples  is a symbol for our calling/taking control of our twelve powers

Daily Word from August 3, 1924

“Man takes his place of authority over his thought agents or twelve centers of consciousness when through the I AM every thought is brought under spiritual dominion. Then alone can he know perfect peace through disciplining self and through exercising spiritual power. Mental faculties formerly allowed to run riot are brought under spiritual discipline. Instead of being swayed by personal love and by personal power, he makes contact with the very love and power of God. He realizes that he is the chief executive of the twelve departments of mentality.”

Using your powers together to balance, temper and complement each other. Some examples are:

Love & Wisdom

Will & Understanding

Power & Strength

Release & Life

Zeal & Wisdom

Imagination & Will

Faith & Order

Strength & Faith

Dialogue and Inquiry

Share how you have used or are using the 12 powers in your life. How will you take this teaching forward?

Which powers do you experience working cooperatively together?

Which power(s) do you most identify with and why?

If you are so moved, what has this ministry meant to you? Who are you because of it? What are your most meaningful takeaways?

Closing Thought

I am created perfect and whole, in God’s image and likeness. I have everything that I need to live a wonderful, meaningful, abundant life. I am equipped and trust my inner spiritual gifts. I have a purpose, and Spirit leads me to wonderful, new places!


Episode 142 - Bringing Heaven Home Part 1


Episode 140 - Divine Life