Episode 140 - Divine Life

Life is our ability to energize, vitalize, enliven, animate, and invigorate. It is also the energy of healing and restoration. So many people today live in fear, cut off from Life Itself. Fear of death. Fear of illness. Fear of failure. Fear of connection. Fear of living. Life calls us to be bold. It calls us to care for our bodies and heal. It calls us to create. In this episode, we share our experience of life and delve into the question, “How alive are we?”


Life is our ability to energize, vitalize, enliven, animate and invigorate

The energy of healing and restoration

God is Life


Life is the generative principle and because of this, its center is located in our reproductive organs.

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How alive are you? Are you living in fear

Death, illness, failure, connection (fear of living!)

We are responsible for our ‘level’ of life 

Life calls us to be bold!

Life as Vitality

Life as Animation

Life as Creation

Story of Jochebed and Moses. Jochebed gives her son Life.

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Dialogue and Inquiry

What are some of the ways life expresses as you?

Can you discern when you are fully alive and when you allow yourself to be cut-off from Divine Life? Why does this happen?

How aware are you of the life force in your body?

Have you experienced giving life as letting go, like Jochebed? Share about that.

What has the life of Jesus (or someone you admire) taught you about the power of life?

Closing Thought

I am a living expression of God, created in God’s image and likeness. Divine life, the very life of God, is my spiritual inheritance. Through spiritual practice I align myself with the power of life. I bring the gift of life to the world through my creativity. Planting my awareness squarely in my body, I take the necessary steps to heal all aspects of my body/mind. In Truth, I am whole. I am invigorated. I choose to be fully alive.


Episode 141 - Using Your Powers


Episode 139 - Seize the Day! (or Got Zeal?)