Rev. Carol Saunders
For those who are curious, here is a brief synopsis of who I am. Like many life roads, mine has been one of interesting turns, ultimately bringing me to today. My educational background is in engineering. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University and worked for 20 years in the energy business in Houston, Texas. I always admired the perfection of mathematics and the discovery of science, but the engineering field didn’t entirely suit me. As a young adult I found myself exploring all sorts of interesting endeavors on my own and eventually awakened to the Unity movement in 1997.
I am a Licensed Unity teacher, an ordained Interfaith minister and ordained Unity minister. After founding and leading a church for seven years, Spirit guided me to create something completely new. Together with those who were journeying with me, we boldly threw out the church model and focused on creating an alternative to church that included the message, the world, and God in the midst. That was the start of The Spiritual Forum. In 134 episodes covering a broad spectrum of spiritual topics, we brought our authentic dialogue on spiritual living to the world via podcast.
Guided again by Spirit in 2021, I shifted The Spiritual Forum to a new format — conversations on spiritual living with guests. These are interesting conversations about personal experiences of the Divine, transformation and healing (including shadow work), the spiritual nature
of world events, Ahimsa, and the great awakening of humanity from layers of programming and cultural conditioning. Ultimately, I hope they inspire people to seek/continue their own healing/awakening path and bring hope to the world. Also in 2021, I began leading an annual Whole Planet Spirituality Forum & Retreat at Unity Village to actively resurrect early Unity teachings on spirituality and animals. Please see my booklet below on The Forgotten Teachings of Charles Fillmore.
On the personal side, I have been married to my husband, Greg Harbaugh, since 1981 and together we have three adult daughters. Greg is a former NASA shuttle astronaut which provided our family with many interesting life experiences. He has supported me fully in every one of my life endeavors, from getting my pilot’s license to bringing home puppies and stray cats/kittens to starting new ministries. We enjoy our home and property in rural Wisconsin, particularly the ever changing wildlife and our menagerie of dogs and cats. I also have a blog site – wolfandthelamb.com – to encourage spiritually minded to include ALL sentient beings in our circle of Compassion.
As a minister and co-creator with Spirit, I have experienced the joy of authentic creativity and the honor of making a profound difference in people’s lives. I have learned to love and forgive myself, to trust Spirit, and to look for the Good always as I venture toward the complete unfoldment of my humanity and divinity.
Forgotten Teachings of Charles Fillmore
Forgotten Teachings of Charles Fillmore
This 22-page booklet written by Rev. Carol Saunders is a compilation of the Unity movement's history, early teachings and practice of ethical vegetarianism. Excerpts from the writings of Charles Fillmore and Unity's Vegetarian magazine are organized by topic and supported with commentary. This booklet is for those who want to learn more about the golden age of Unity, or are interested in what Unity orginally taught about humankind's relationship with animals.