Episode 142 - Bringing Heaven Home Part 1

In this episode, Rev. Carol engages with DNA scientist, Dr. Brent Satterfield, about his five personal and highly detailed crossovers with the divine, similar to near-death experiences. Each of these crossovers provided a unique perspective and through them, Dr. Satterfield experienced pivotal realizations that liberated him from the quagmire of inherited societal norms and more rigid religious traditions into an understanding of his own inherent worth and inner light. Brent’s most recent book, Bringing Heaven Home – We Were Never Meant to Do It Alone, catalogues his journey. This is Part 1 in a two-part conversation.

Dr. Brent C. Satterfield invented DNA testing technologies that have impacted millions of people in more than fifty countries, including in the COVID-19 pandemic. Following multiple experiences with heaven, he became a student of consciousness, faith, and experiences of God in cultures around the world. Brent is the author of Faith to Produce Miracles and Bringing Heaven Home.

I met with Brent on Zoom. To put a face to a names and voice, here is a photo of him:

brent satterfield.jpg


Episode 143 - Bringing Heaven Home Part 2


Episode 141 - Using Your Powers