Episode 87 - A Star Is Born

Every Christmas season we can pause and reflect on how a new Light is being born in us. How will we live more completely as our God Self? The characters and events in the timeless Christmas story reveal meaningful symbols for us to ponder. Their journey is full of ups and downs and also risks and disappointments. It's not a short or easy journey, but it is one of purpose, where eventually a new Light is born that is a gift for all people. Metaphysically, their journey is our journey. In this episode, we take a deep dive and find ourselves in the story of new birth. A star is born, and that star is each one of us!



The Journey

Over 90 miles (~10 days)

Arduous, uphill and downhill trek

People band together because of the the threat of bandits and robbers

Humble setting - earthy, grounded, simple, lowly, not showy

Manger is practical and unimpressive in appearance

Divine container of Love


Our Journey

Full of ups and downs and also risk

Not short or easy


Some disappointment or desperation when expectations aren't met


Baby represents the birth of the Christ Essence in the individual consciousness of each of us


Manger reminds us that God is in the simple and ordinary

Shepherds represent our shadow

How is it relevant to us today?

Christmas is a time to pause and reflect on how a new Light is being born in us

How will we live more completely as our God Self?

Christ Consciousness can be expressed in many ways. Here are a few to consider:

Be Love. Everywhere. All the time.

Release judgment of others and self.

Lay down all your swords. Be Non-violence.

Release attachment to outcomes.

Release complaints.

Be Presence. 

Widen the circle of Compassion to include everyone.


Accept Good.

Forgive someone or yourself.

Establish a life of prayer. 

Let your Light shine.

Be your honest, authentic Self.

Make your body a holy temple - nurture it and treat it well for optimal health.

Release fear.

Live in possibility. 

NOTE: I mentioned the reading during my run up. Here it is:

Daily Word from December 25, 2010

Christmas Day


On this Christmas morning, what can I offer the reborn Spirit ofChrist within me? I can offer eyes that look for the goodness of God in allpeople. I can offer hands ready to serve in small and large ways. I can offerfeet that will walk in the path of peace and light.

On this Christmas morning, I offer the Christ Spirit within me amind willing to believe in eternal possibilities. I offer a voice that sings offaith, joy, love and oneness. I offer my cooperation in establishing thekingdom of heaven here on earth.

Celebrating today the birth of Jesus, I find in my heart a newwillingness to believe that I can do my part in making Christmas not just oneday in the year, but a way of living life.

Dialogue and Inquiry

How does the journey to Bethlehem mirror your own spiritual journey?

What new way of being is Being born in you? How can you bring your Light to the world in a new way? (see possibilities below)

Are you willing to be a gift to all people? How would that look?

What does 'Christ in you' mean to you?

How else do you see yourself in the story and why is this important?

Closing Thought

I am God's beloved, image and likeness. Born in me today is the consciousness of Christ - God in me. I am the Light of the world. I am Love. I am Forgiveness. I am Peace. Wherever I go, I behold the Christ - the Truth - in me, and in all people.


Episode 88 - Out of the Ashes


Episode 86 - Angels and Dreams