Episode 73 - In Conversation: The Camino de Santiago
The Camino de Santiago has been a Christian pilgrimage since medieval times. It traverses the northern part of Spain and has many routes, all of which lead to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. Today hundreds of thousands of people are called to make this 500-mile journey on foot for retreat, spiritual growth or cultural reasons. Inspired by the 2010 movie, The Way, Katie O'Meara was called to walk the Camino, and in this episode we learn about her calling and unique physical, mental and spiritual setbacks and overcoming. She completed pilgrimage in 40 days, walked an additional 50 miles to the western coast of Spain and returned as a new person.
The Camino de Santiago
Traditionally a Christian pilgrimage
Medieval times
Leads to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia in northwestern Spain
500 miles
100,000 to 300,000 people make this trek annually (foot, bike or horseback)
Retreat, spiritual growth, cultural reasons

Many pilgrims are inspired by the 2010 movie, The Way, starring Martin Sheen and his son, Emilio Estevez.

During our conversation, Katie spoke of her energetic shift on Day #9. I remember getting an email from her that morning. It was a Thursday, and at 7 am on Thursdays I hold a regular prayer call for the purpose of holding an intention for one's self. Katie had called in to that prayer call in the past. She emailed me at 6:10 am CT. Here is her email to me:
Hi Carol. I believe this morning is affirmative prayer. Can you add I am strong and able during the call? It’s day 9 of the Camino and I am struggling physically. I’m trying to find my inner Devine strength to continue.
Here was my email response back to her:
Katie, you ARE STRENGTH Itself. You have all the Strength you need to fulfill what is yours to do. Breathe and know that Spirit is with you and will carry your burden. Your deepest most innermost Self knows you and is leading you, step by step, on this journey. We are ALL walking with you!
We will hold you in prayer in just 8 minutes. :)Here is a Daily Word for you from March 3 2019:
Appearances are temporary impressions and not an accurate picture of who I am. If I am facing a health challenge, I bless my body for the restorative powers that have their source within me in the life of God. Despite any outer appearances, wholeness and strength of mind are the truth of me.
I am a product of divine life, and I connect with this spiritual essence through prayer and meditation. In moments of quiet reflection, I turn within to this inner wellspring of healing and feel the energizing flow of God’s perfect life in and through my body. This life is continually flowing, bringing health and healing to every part of my being.
My heart beats with the rhythm and harmony of God; my cells vibrate with the energy of life.
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly.—Isaiah 58:8
I held the prayer call at 7 am and together we held Katie in prayer affirming her Divine Strength. I then emailed her back the following message:
Hi Katie,
Paul. Susannah and I held you in prayer this morning and are with you as you walk today. It was beautiful. We are right there with you, knowing your Divine Strength and Power. Hold fast to your vision of completion...but walk step by step. Today is your day. You can do it!
I did not realize how significant these prayers were to Katie until she shared it on this episode. What a blessing.
Closing Thought
"Life is a road that winds among the hills of time. With every turn in the road, an old view vanishes, a new view appears. Life is a pilgrimage, a passage through eternity, a journey...” James Dillet Freeman