Episode 50 - The Law of Increase


The Law of Increase is a spiritual law that operates on every plane of our lives, including money. When we wisely use whatever we are given, we produce more than we originally had. This includes our innate talents/abilities, our mind, our ideas, and also our money. Many of us play small and keep our talents and resources buried. In this episode, we share about the activity of the Law of Increase in our lives and our challenges with effectively using what we have been given.


Increase/Expansion is what Spirit does. We see it in evolution and in growth in body, mind and spirit

The Law of Increase operates on every plane of our lives, including money. The Law works in our favor when we wisely use whatever we are given we produce more than we originally had. This includes our innate talents/abilities, our mind, ideas, and also our money.


The Law of Increase it told in the Parable of the Talents. 

Here is a summary:

•To everyone gifts are given.

•We aren't given the same gifts or the same amount. That may seem unfair, but oh well.

•We each have the opportunity to increase our gifts (talents and money). No one is keeping us from doing that. 

•The Universe responds to the activity of 'investment' - putting ourselves fully into the stream of life with expectation of expansion and using resources wisely to attract more. 

•OR whenever we are given something – ability, idea, resource, we are expected to use it effectively

•This is a sacred trust. How we live it is a reflection of our relationship with God, the Source of all Supply.

Image result for parable of the talents

Dialogue Questions

What is your immediate reaction to the Parable of the Talents? This is important because it can reveal your blocks.

How has the Law of Increase been active in your life? Can you see how it is at work regarding your money?

Is there some aspect of your life that seems 'buried?' What do you need to do now in order to experience increase?

How does your experience of life shift when you consider that how you invest yourself is a reflection of your relationship with God/Source/Spirit? 

Closing Thought

There is a universal law of increase. It is not confined to bank accounts but operates on every plane of manifestation. The conscious cooperation of man is necessary to the fullest results in the working of this law. You must use your talent, whatever it may be, in order to increase it. Have faith in the law. Do not reason too much but forge ahead in faith and boldness.” Charles Fillmore, Co-Founder of Unity


Episode 51 - The Beatitudes: Happy Are the Spiritually Humble


Episode 49 - Money, Money, Money