Episode 27 - Ten Spiritual Truths: Your Words Matter


The third commandment is usually interpreted as a warning to not swear. But we go a lot deeper here! God's name is I AM. How can you use your "I Am" statements to create the life you are intended to create? What is your spiritual Truth, really?


Ten Commandments: boundaries for a fulfilling life, challenges for a spiritual life

All major religions have some form of ‘rules for life’

Exodus 20: “Then God spoke all these words: 

1. ‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.’

2. “You shall not make for yourself an idol, of any form.”

3. “Do not misuse the name of God.”

God's name is I AM

I AM is man's identity with God, the divine within, the spiritual self

I AM lives, loves, and endures, is unaffected by things of the outer life

"I AM," spoken with a downward tendency, is always false, always "in vain

When we relate the I AM to limitation or disease, we attach ourselves to these things

Dialogue Questions:

Name the ‘idols/graven images’that you tend to put before your awareness of Spirit. Where does your mind dwell?

Watch your I Am statements. For a couple days, take an inventory of how you use the words, "I Am." Really do this. Then come and share with us what you found about how you use these words and what happens when you question them.

What is your spiritual Truth really? How can you use your "I Am" statements to create the life you  are intended to create?

Do you have any other revelation about this that you want to share?


I do not think or speak disparagingly about myself because I Am the handwork of God, image and likeness. I recognize myself to be filled with the Presence of God at all times. I see myself through the eyes of Spirit and I pronounce myself as the perfect manifestation of God's Love, Life, Strength and Wholeness. My words and thoughts about who I Am matter.


Episode 28 - Ten Spiritual Truths: Be Still


Episode 26 - Ten Spiritual Truths: Focus!