Episode 251 - Conscious, Compassionate & Creative Living

Dr. Nayana Shah, a quantum physicist, meditation practitioner and creative visionary, shares her profound wisdom on cultivating a life brimming with awareness, kindness, and innovation. Nayana's expertise extends far beyond conventional boundaries. Rooted in the Ahimsa principles of Jainism, enriched by the practice of Vipassana meditation, and inspired by the revelations of quantum physics, her consciousness is a tapestry of ancient wisdom and modern insights.

Nayana’s Bio - Dr Nayana Shah is an international scientist – a theoretical quantum physicist – dedicated to living a conscious, compassionate and creative life illuminated by a constant inquiry of truth. Her research seeks to understand how different phases and properties of matter emerge in a collection of many particles interacting with each other under different conditions. That quest is also to identify the universalities within the diversity. She has a holistic plant-based and Ahimsic lifestyle (rooted in her Jain upbringing) and is a long-term Vipassana meditator as well as a yoga and non-violent communication practitioner/teacher/facilitator. She has founded and led several initiatives in diverse spheres and settings, is involved in grassroots activism and regenerative movement, and her work spans from the local to the global level. She serves as a board member and education chair of the Cincinnati Permaculture Institute and as a board trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions

You can find Nayana Shah on LinkedIn here.

On Golden Rule Day, 5th April, the Charter for Compassion will be celebrating the occasion with a day of special events and Dr. Nayana Shah will be presenting a talk "Alice's adventure in the Golden Rule Land. Follow Charter for Compassion on Social Media to get more information as the Golden Rule Day approaches.

© the spiritual forum 2024


Episode 252 - Awakening Consciousness with Mónica Esgueva


Episode 250 - Open-hearted Breathing