Reflections on Close Encounters and the Choice We Are Facing

When Christopher Peters contacted me about being a guest on The Spiritual Forum podcast, I wasn't sure what to think. I was intrigued, but also had a healthy dose of skepticism, tempered with wonder. He was either on the crazy side, or he actually had an ongoing, fascinating relationship with the Divine. I wanted to discern for myself, so I scheduled a meeting with him before committing. We hit it off right away and talked for an hour at least. He was filled with zeal about the divine creators, how they show up for him, and their message for humanity - the choice we are facing. I thought his story should be heard. Thus was the birth of Episode 158.

I don't discount how the Divine shows up for others, no matter how out of the ordinary. For me, God arises within me as intuition/knowing. Others look for signs or experience apparitions. Where I am in life now, I feel completely open. After all, I might learn something, and who am I to say that God should show up in a particular way? The Bible is full of stories where God showed up and asked enormous tasks of extremely unlikely people. Think Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Paul. It's kind of what God does.

Is our Creator a set of extraterrestrial light beings? I have wondered about that. Sometimes it seems so when you read the Bible. If you look at the Bible as historic storytelling, God is sometimes portrayed as loving and caring and other times seems demonic and demands blood. It's hard to reconcile the polarities. Could they be different beings/energies? In Genesis, God refers to him/herself in the plural. “And the LORD God said, ‘The man has now become like one of us.’” (Genesis 3:22) In Exodus, Moses and his caravan of Israelite followers were led through the wilderness by a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. What was that?

Christopher's life was turned on its side when he started experiencing and communicating with what he calls our creator family, divine angel creators, or God. They are with him all the time (see the podcast page for photos and video). Inspired by his connection and experience of deep love, he spends much of his time outdoors now, caring for the wild birds and squirrels. After three years, he is ready to communicate their message to humanity. That message is a good one and has some urgency - surrender in childlike wonder and connect with them. In essence, turn to God, the Divine Creator family. Reclaim your spark of life and stand up for all life and the innocents. Christopher talks about this in detail at the 1 hour point in the podcast.

It sounds a bit like John the Baptist's, "Repent!" which calls us to make a strong turn toward a new course of action. Perhaps this is THE message for our time on this earth plane. Two years of COVID has shone a light on us all. We are exposed. We can see each other's shadows and projections more clearly, and they aren't pretty. We can see just how afraid we are of death. So many of us are lacking a ground of being, causing greater dependence on the outer, material world and neglect of our inner wisdom. The state, media and/or 'science' are now god for millions of people. Changing course is what it will come down to if we want to find our origin consciousness again.

As I have shared before, I experienced a massive awakening beginning in mid-2020. The 3D world we live in is not the world I previously thought it was. I still have yet to fully articulate the extent of this awakening, but like Neo in The Matrix, I can more clearly see the programming we are immersed in. And I can see that humanity is facing a grave choice now, in this lifetime.

We are entering (or being corralled into, depending on your point of view) an era of transhumanism and technocracy, potentially devoid of an awareness of Spirit. Unless we consciously decide otherwise, we will walk into this world with little reflection, and our children's children will suffer the consequences. The metaverse, the internet of things, the internet of bodies, 5G everywhere, global surveillance technology, 'smart' everything, digital ID's and the coming central bank digital currency (CBDC, a currency driven social credit system) will all appear as 'the next best thing’ for our ‘safety and convenience,' and we will become entrenched and dependent. Our bodies will be merged with technology, or become obsolete. The vast majority won't object because they will be distracted, resigned or in agreement. Of note, we are considered 'hackable animals' now.

"We are no longer mysterious souls. Free will is over. Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale."

NOTE: The original video I posted was taken down. The one above is a replacement.

We've grown to accept that technology generally helps our lives. Who doesn't love air conditioning on a hot summer day or the ability to call a grandchild who lives hundreds of miles away? Who doesn't want a new knee or hip when the original goes out? Technology can create conditions that foster health/safety, meaningful relationships and even a connection to the natural world. But it also can create conditions where addictions, controls, distractions and slavery proliferate. That said, perhaps we need none of it.

If we genuinely realized our Divine nature -- who we really are -- we wouldn't need gadgets, medicine, better brains, communication devices or any kind of external energy. Because we have everything we need within us! We wouldn’t have illness, war, poverty, exploitation, manipulation, coercion and slavery. Because we would live by God’s law, in harmony with all creation and ourselves. Do you know this? Perhaps it is our disbelief in our Divine nature that keeps us dependent on ever greater amounts of technology. Or perhaps technology is a trap designed to keep us worshiping fake gods and from ever realizing the true power that we are. These are ideas worth considering.

Now more than ever we need to be vigilant, question everything and make wise choices. Do I need this? Is this true? Does it support life? Is my inner Guidance system or is an external authority leading me? Am I consciously making this choice? We should be wary of new products that corporations push in front of us and pay attention to how much unnaturalness we are personally willing to accept. This past year, the majority of the world’s population accepted a series of injections that informs our DNA, the blueprint of life. What is coming next?

As Charles Dickens wrote in The Tale of Two Cities, "These are the best of times and the worst of times." We have chosen to be here to witness and participate in an extraordinary planetary awakening. It will be a massive death and rebirth process. Like a baby in the birth canal, we are moving forward, not backwards. But we can choose what we are birthing. If we want to take the path of awakening to the Divine human, we will need to release the old, all of it. That means social, cultural and governmental structures, as well as the beliefs we have inherited. As Jesus said,  “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” (Matthew 9:16-17)  A new world can't be built on old structures and paradigms.

As we move through these turbulent times, it's important that we not fall into despair or anxiety, but do our best to keep ourselves centered on God and our vibration high. Here are a few actions steps that each of us can take now:

  • Pray. Ask God to show you what you have not yet been able to see. Pray for personal healing, strength, discernment, love and faith. Pray for the innocents and for peace in the world.

  • Hone your discernment. This is perhaps the most important gift you will use during this time. The darkness is so often cloaked in light and can be deceiving.

  • Turn off all corporate media. The 'news' has become a brainwashing/hypnosis system that plays on your emotions and plants thoughts in your head that you think are your own. You don't have to watch the news to know what is going on. You also don't have to know what is going on.

  • Stop believing what you are told and start thinking for yourself. Authority figures/leaders/media may not have your best interest in mind. In fact, they usually have their own interest in mind. The one true authority is God!

  • Observe yourself. How much do you parrot what your community, government, or media is saying? When was your last original thought?

  • Be in nature. Nature is our original home. It calls to us. Breathe fresh air and (on a warm day) feel the earth on your bare feet. Talk to the stars. Marvel at the moon. Appreciate life.

  • Heal what hurts inside you. Notice your triggers and projections. They are coming from a place that hurts inside you. What is it? Feel the feelings and love the part of you whose needs were unmet long ago. Remember that God loves you without conditions. God is enough.

  • Connect with animals - not just your pets, but animals in the wild. They are our companions and we are their caretakers. Restore this sacred bond.

  • Engage with the creator beings in whatever way moves you. Enter the Presence with childlike wonder.

  • Be grateful for your natural body. Appreciate it. Listen to it. It is terrific!

The Creator Light is here to support this journey. God is in the midst. Always.

© carol saunders 2022


Healing Our Inner Child


The Chosen