Episode 135 - The Order of Life

Order is our ability to organize, balance, sequence, and adjust. The intelligence of the Universe expresses Itself as Order. The seasons, tides, and cycles of growth all happen in perfect sequence. Stories all have a beginning, middle and end. On the spiritual path, it is good to be mindful of the order in our lives. Experiencing 'disorder' is often an indication that we may need to establish order within. Are we clear about our priorities? Are we living in alignment with them? Are our minds cluttered with negative thoughts? Are we trying to circumvent or control a natural process? These are some of the questions we consider during this episode as we engage in inquiry on the spiritual gift of Order.

Order is our ability to organize, balance, sequence, and adjust. The intelligence of the Universe expresses Itself as Order. The seasons, tides, and cycles of growth all happen in perfect sequence. Stories all have a beginning, middle and end. On the spiritual path, it is good to be mindful of the order in our lives. Experiencing 'disorder' is often an indication that we may need to establish order within. Are we clear about our priorities? Are we living in alignment with them? Are our minds cluttered with negative thoughts? Are we trying to circumvent or control a natural process? These are some of the questions we consider during this episode as we engage in inquiry on the spiritual gift of Order.


Order is our ability to organize, balance, sequence and adjust

The intelligence of the Universe expresses Itself as Order

The seasons, tides, and cycles of growth all happen in perfect sequence

Establishing inner Order

  • Are you clear about your priorities?

  • Are you living in alignment with them?

  • Is your mind cluttered with negative thoughts? Or too many thoughts?

  • Are you patient with unfoldment or are you trying to circumvent or control a natural process?

  • Are you committed to God first?


Order in Creation:

Genesis 1- “Seven” days of creation

Life manifested in a specific order, starting with Light and ending with humankind, then rest

When we live authentically, stand in who we are, speak our truth, and heal ourselves – we exercise our inner power

order of creation.jpg

The Creative Life by Eric Butterworth outlines seven steps in any creative endeavor

There is order in every story - the Easter story

Crucifixion — Tomb — Resurrection

As the world undergoes a major transformation, our work - what we have control over - is to establish inner order, or harmony. By so doing, we serve the Divine process.

Dialogue and Inquiry

How do you express order in your life?

Does your inner or outer world need more order?

Are you clear on the order of your life priorities? Do you live in alignment with them? What happens when you let your priorities get out of sequence?

What steps do you take when you find your mind is overwhelmed or cluttered?

Have you ever attempted to circumvent a natural process or the orderly expression of something? What happened? What did you learn?

Tell us about how you establish order in your life or how you have used order to create something new. 

Closing Thought

I am equipped with the divine gift of Order. The first thing I do to order my life is to put God first. I then consciously establish my next priorities and commit to living in alignment with them. When I find myself in what seems like chaos, disappointment or difficulty, I remember that there is an order to everything. Just as the seasons sequence one to another, I allow my own life to evolve from one sequence to the next. I have patience for the process that is before me.


Episode 136 - Already Free Part 1


Episode 134 - Self-mastery and Creative Power