Episode 138 - To Be Willing or Willful
Will is the directive power in us that chooses a course of action. When we don't use our spiritual understanding to inform our choices, we can be willful -- imposing our will on others or on a circumstance/process. But when we use our spiritual understanding, we make choices in line with Divine Will, and we are willing partners with Spirit/Source/God. In this episode, we explore our willingness and willfulness, and how the choices we make define our character.
Dialogue and Inquiry
How are you using your will today? What choices are you making for yourself?
Can you see how understanding and will work together?
How has your your will (i.e. choices) shaped your character over the years?
Do you struggle with being willful versus willing? What do you do to align your personal will with that of Spirit?
Think of a time when you were willful. How did it feel? What was the outcome? Would the outcome have been different if you were willing instead of willful?
How have you experienced the willfulness of others?
We often disguise our willfulness as a desire/intention to be nice or good. Have you done that? What happens when you do?
What is your experience of Divine Will?
Closing Thought
I have the power to choose the thoughts I think, the words I speak, and the actions I take. These choices form who I become in the world. If I choose to impose my will onto others, I live out of alignment of the will of the Divine, for Spirit’s will never imposes. Instead, I remember to pause, seek understanding, and allow the will of Spirit to direct my choices. Divine Will is always good - peace, health, and plenty for all.