Episode 129 - The Light of Hope

Hope is to want something to happen or be true. In the depths of darkness, hope is the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Hope is also what lifts our vision for the future. The birth of anything new brings new hope. Having hope is not about always getting what we want, because often our hopes are dashed. But if we carry hope in our hearts, we free ourselves to live lightly, joyfully, and creatively. Without a hopeful vision, we surrender our innate power to create, and become victims of circumstance. In this episode, we share our hopes for the New Year and how hopeful living has served our lives. We are on the precipice of a great transformation in human society and if we allow hope and faith to work together, we will move boldly into the unchartered territory that is before us.

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Age of Aquarius: Move away from hierarchical structures and belief in something outside ourselves to finding individual and collective power

Potential high side:

“Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius, Aquarius”

-Lyrics from the rock musical, Hair

Potential low side:

Aquarius represents networks, information and technology

Technology can be used to free us or enslave us

Another timeline potentiality is a collective submission to totalitarian, technocratic control

Hope is to want something to happen or be true

In the depths of darkness, hope is the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel

Difference between hope and faith:

  • Faith originates in Understanding, concentrates on Truth, is present, an inner gift of Spirit

  • Hope originates in Will, concentrates on possibility, is future oriented, a gift you can give to or receive from others

  • They work together

  • Faith is a grounding energy, like the roots of a tree

  • Hope is a lifting energy, like the wings of a bird

Dialogue and Inquiry

What is your hope for the New Year? 

How has hope supported you in your life? 

Have you ever experienced hopelessness? What was it like? What did you do to move your attention to hope?

Have you ever felt let down by your hope for something? What would have happened if you hadn't had hope?

How do you use faith and hope together?

Why do you think hope is important?

Closing Thought

Hope is the window through which I glimpse the good that is yet to come in my life. Feelings of hopefulness kindle my vision for the future and activate my zeal and imagination. As my hope works together with faith, I realize that the good that I am hoping for is already mine. As I step into this New Year, I am hopeful for the future - my relationships, my abundance, my creative endeavors, and the world. My hope informs my awakening and my action in the world.


Episode 130 - A New World is Stirring


Episode 128 - Let Your Light Shine