Episode 229 - Let Your Life Speak

Kate McNally grew up in a mainstream Christian faith, where she could not find the connection to the divine that she sought. Her path took her through psychology, science and the pursuit of a successful career, but ultimately, she found solace for her soul in the Quaker tradition. There she discovered a spiritual community and a stripped-down, simple way of following the basic commandment, “Love one another.”  In this episode we learn about the Quaker faith, talk about her book, Quaker Quicks - A Simple Faith in a Complicated World, and explore the faith of Jesus rather than the faith about Jesus. Some of the things we discuss are:

·      Peace, equality, simplicity, truth/integrity are the four core testimonies (values put into action)

·      Ministry is where your great joy meets the world’s needs

·      Every human can have a direct unmediated experience of the divine and every person/creature has a bit of God in them

·      Accountability, discernment and shared leadership

·      Curiosity about Jesus the human being

·      What “follow me” means (letting your life speak)

·      How many churches have missed the mark by glorifying themselves

·      The focus on Jesus’s death versus life

·      A new refreshing definition of perfection

·      Trying to be perfect doesn’t get us closer to God

·      How our strengths and weaknesses are inextricably linked

·      The impactful behind-the-scenes work of Quakers on the world stage

Book: https://www.amazon.com/Quaker-Quicks-Complicated-Quakers-journey/dp/1803413034

Kate’s blog: http://www.bravespaces.blog

© the spiritual forum 2023

what is quakerism, religion of jesus, follow me, divine spark, strengths and weaknesses, quaker commuunity, passifism, shared leadership, discernment, accountability

Kate McNally


Episode 230 - The Power of Pause


Episode 228 - Transmuting Fear Programs