Episode 9 - The Dark Night
We are looking at the Easter story as if it were our own. We all experience false accusations, unjust trials, and abandonment by friends in our darkest times. These can be 'dark night of the soul' experiences. We are not meant to stay in suffering, but the path through it will take us to a better state. In this episode we share our Dark Night experiences (our own Garden of Gethsemane struggles) and how we moved through them.
Jesus of Nazareth represents the inner Christ that is authentically true to Self, completely alive and able to move through life powerfully as Strength, Love, Wisdom, Understanding and Non-resistance.
The Garden of Gethsemane/The Dark Night - Two Realities
Personal/ego: Loneliness, fear, desperation, struggle
Spiritual: Inner struggle that moves self to a new, higher consciousness and a new depth of knowing; deep listening and surrender
The Dark Night is an intense inner struggle - suffering, our ego feels abandoned; there is a deep desire to avoid the path ahead
“If it is possible, let this cup pass from me.”Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42, John 6:38
It calls upon our powers of Strength, Faith, Order and Will
We are not meant to stay in suffering! The Dark Night ultimately ends with….
“Not my will but yours be done.”Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42, John 6:38
Surrender to Divine Will
Suffering is not the stopping point
God’s will is Resurrection (complete overcoming and transcending to a higher level)
Dialogue Questions:
Have you ever been abandoned by your friends in your greatest time of need? Have you endured injustice? Share about such an experience and how you moved through it as a spiritual person.
The dark night of the soul is an inner struggle that includes the intense desire to 'take this cup from me.' But something inside us tells us that the way forward is to go forward. Share about such an experience. What/who did you fundamentally trust?
What is the gift in the dark night experience?
I am never alone. At every point in my eternal journey the loving presence of God is my constant companion.