Episode 43 - Entering Joy


Joy is a state of well being that already exists deep inside us. It is a Divine gift - an infinite well - which we can experience independent of circumstances. It is an internal quality and a mystery, because we can actually live in Joy when things are pretty darn awful. We don't look for people, places and things to satisfy our expectations in order to experience Joy. We just need to enter into it. Joy comes from a place of deep connection to Spirit/Source/Higher Self/God. And when we live in Joy, we can share it with the world.


Happiness is a feeling of well-being based on external circumstances

Joy is a state of well-being, an internal quality, already/always present, a Divine wellspring. It is independent of circumstances. A mystery!

Joy becomes your constant experience when you make peace with who you are, where you are, why you are, and who or what you are not with. Deep abiding joy is not rocked by outer conditions. It is connection to yourSelf.

Dialogue Questions

Can you see how happiness shows up differently in your life than Joy?

How does Joy arise in your life? If it is a gift that is always there, how do you access, release or cultivate it, so that it is a constant Presence in your life?

Share a time when you experienced Joy in circumstances that didn't meet your expectations?

What actions do you need to take for Joy to be a constant presence?

Closing Thought

When I connect with the eternal, unchanging substance of Joy, I find the Strength of Spirit to face external events and situations. Joy is an essential part of who I AM—a spiritual quality that remains unaffected by the outer world. In challenging moments, Joy arises, and soothes my soul. Like all the spiritual qualities that define my Essence, I feel it most powerfully when I freely share it with others.


Episode 44 - Create a Meaningful Life


Episode 42 - Choosing Love