Episode 18 - The Spirit of Protection and Boundary Setting


We all have the father archetype within us that is essential to living a balanced, successful and healthy life. It is the protective, boundary setting, and guiding activity of Spirit that keeps us focused and holds us accountable. Without it we would wander aimlessly. Here we discuss how this fathering energy shows up in our lives.


Fathering energy can show up in lots of ways and through different kinds of people.

It is not specific to men, but is a part of the Masculine Essence, which we all hold within us.

Father Energy: Protection, encouragement, guidance, healthy boundary setting, accountability, Strength & focus

Evolution of Father God

Elohim (transcendent Creator/majestic ruler)

Yahweh (dwells among us)

Abba (intimate dad)

Dialogue Questions:

How do you experienced God as Father? Have you had to undo or adjust your childhood understanding of this?

Where in your life do you see yourself actively engaging your fathering energy (protection, boundary setting, accountability)? Are there opportunities for you to step this up?

How can you bring fathering energy to those who need it most in the world? 

Share anything you want to share about being a dad or having a dad as it relates to your spiritual life.


I protect and direct my life. I keep my word and set loving boundaries for myself and others. I am in charge of my destiny. I encourage myself and move through fear with grace. I am inner Strength, Courage, Wisdom and Inspiration.


Episode 19 - Crisis at the Border: Bend the World to Your Vibration


Episode 17 - Who Are You (Still) Complaining About