Episode 126 - The Guiding Light

The Christmas season is nestled in the darkness of winter. It is no surprise that we light up our homes during this time, and that light is a prominent theme in the Christmas story. The light of Spirit is always with us, and poised to guide us. It is the light that guides our long journey to our highest self and fulfilled purpose. It can show up as inner intuition or as the guidance of another person or sign. We may not be able to see the fullness of our path or know how things will turn out, but this guiding light is like a North star that keeps us on course. The light of Spirit can also appear as a flash of insight with a commanding voice that calls us to action. In this episode we share about how these two forms of ‘guiding lights’ support us and remind us that we are never alone.



Dialogue and Inquiry

How does this form of light show up in your life? Can you distinguish the "long journey" guidance from the "flash of light" guidance?

Have you ever wondered which way turn, or have you needed a course correction and found a North star (inner or outer) to guide you?

Share a story of a personal journey where you were guided by Divine Light. What was it like? How did the 'North star' appear for you? How did you heed it?

Share a story about how the 'flash of light' form of guidance impacted your life. How did it appear? Did you choose to act on it or brush it aside?

What do you do to heighten your ability to discern and accept the guiding Light of Spirit?

Closing Thought

The guiding Light of Spirit supports my life in every way. There are times when I find myself wondering which way to turn and my internal compass nudges me in the right and perfect direction. There are other times when a blast of insight lands in my awareness and startles me into action. Though I may be afraid at first, I wisely choose the direction of my highest good. I rest assured knowing that I never walk my path alone! I am grateful for the guiding Light of Spirit.


Episode 127 - Light Up the Darkness


Episode 125 - Follow Your Dream