Episode 112 - It's Possible!

Possibility thinking happens when we become aware of what might be possible in a situation, versus just seeing what is or likely to be. Life shifts from being a set of problems to overcome, to an exciting array of challenges and opportunities. To do this, we have to learn to see beyond our expectations and worldviews. Most of our minds don’t think this way unless we make a conscious effort. Our unconscious tendency is to think in terms of what is not possible or is most probable, which keeps new possibilities from ever emerging. In this episode we share how possibility thinking can be applied to our personal lives and also to the world at large.


zipper for the sky


Who we are:

We are each a Divine expression of possibility

We entered this world as an unknown - a bundle of possibility

We are born to express possibilities! 


Possibility Thinking:

When we become aware of what might be possible versus just seeing what is or what is likely to be

Life shifts from being a set of problems to overcome (or a struggle to survive)to an exciting array of challenges & opportunities


With possibility thinking we:

Learn to see beyond our expectations and worldviews

Our minds don’t normally think this way without conscious effort

We normally think in terms of what is most probable, which keeps new possibilities from ever emerging


What is personally possible

Ask yourself, "What would I do if I knew  there were no limits?"

Play and imagination

Quiet the ego voice


How Successful People Think, a book by John Maxwell

1.Stop focusing on the impossibilities 2.Stay away from the “experts” 3.Look for possibilities in every situation 4.Dream one size bigger 5.Question the status quo 6.Find inspiration from great achievers


What is possible for the world?

Oneness (race relations, interspecies relations, sustainability, food for all, etc.)

Wholeness (human health, integration, healing)




"What else can happen?" 

"What can I do to make that something else happen?"

"What is Spirit calling me to envision, think, create, trust?"


Some inspiring possibility thinkers:

Abraham Lincoln John F Kennedy Thomas Edison   Harriet Tubman  Martin Luther King

Lots of real life ‘rags to riches’ stories


It's time! We are made for it. The Divine expects it. The world needs it.


Dialogue and Inquiry

Would you consider yourself now to be an impossibility thinker, probability thinker or possibility thinker?

What do you think is possible for your life? What else? What else? What else?

What do you think is possible for the world?

What is your biggest block to being a possibility thinker? Share how you shift yourself from probability to possibility thinking.

What does, "With God all things are possible" mean to you?

Who inspires you as a possibility thinker?

Closing Thought

The unlimited power of God blesses me with spiritual abilities -- love, faith, understanding, wisdom, and more. Because I am a divinely created being, I trust that God has provided me with all that I need to flourish and thrive in the world. I fulfill my potential through the possibility that God has planted within me. The possibilities are endless, and I embrace the endless possibilities in me.


Episode 113 - Awakening Consciousness Now


Episode 111 - Where Two or Three Gather