Episode 110 - When Things Aren't the Way You Want

Most of us experience frustration in the world of people, places and things. We want things to be different than they are! We also may fear what the future may hold. Even though we don’t have control over conditions outside us, we can use the practice of prayer to raise our consciousness so we can see things rightly. We center ourselves in love, and stand in the intersection of acceptance and change. In this episode Rev. Carol lays out a process for praying when things aren't the way we want, and we share our own experiences.



Prayer is an act of love, a creative and connecting activity. Uniting with the Divine.

Affirmative prayer is not praying to God, but praying from a conscious awareness of God


In reality, the world of people, places and things present opportunities for each of us to desire a different picture


Praying for others or circumstances is:

A process to raise our consciousness so we can see things ‘rightly’

Raise our minds, not [try to] change the un-changeable Divine Mind 

May fear or be concerned about the future

Here is a process for your consideration:

1.Check your motivation and  take out your willfulness

Why do you want to change someone or their condition?

Are you trying to make yourself feel better?

Next come back to the motivation of pure love


2. Check your energy

Is your energy centered on worry or concern?

Move away from the problem

 If you can't, find someone who can pray with you

“When you worry about a loved one… you are putting the full weight of your consciousness on the side of their difficulty.”   Eric Butterworth 


3. Surrender your hold on exactly how you picture it should be

Can you find the ‘okay-ness' in what is now? 

Can you find the divine quality that is under your vision? 

Come to a 'this or something better' place

Surrender is the intersection between acceptance and change

4. Raise your mind to Christ (God within) consciousness

Remember or awaken to the one Presence and Power that is the Source of all, visible and invisible

Release your ego thoughts

Align your mind with Divine Mind


5.  Focus your attention on Truth - the Life, Wholeness, Love, Abundance and Perfection that is already there

Affirm God is here, doing God's work in God's way and time (or Great Mystery, Source, Love, Spirit, etc.)

Trust that all is working together for the good of all

Seek guidance on what is yours to do, if anything

6. Breathe and give thanks!

7. Release


We do not have the full picture!

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God.” Romans 8:28

Story of Lazarus

Lazarus = condition/person with appearances beyond redemption

Jesus looks up = Lift self to higher consciousness

Gives thanks  = let go and know

Lazarus come forth = see things rightly


Dialogue and Inquiry

What condition do you want to be different in your life now?

Share your experience of praying for another person or outcome. Did it manifest as you desired? What was the outcome for you?

What people or conditions do you pray for regularly?

What good do you think praying for others or conditions does? What about ‘unanswered’ prayer?

Closing Thought

Sometimes life doesn't show up how I want it to. During those times, I pause and breathe. I release my worries and concerns, as well as my hold on how and when things should happen. As I enter into prayer, I lift my consciousness to that of Spirit and know Love, Life, Joy and Wholeness for all. From this place I am guided to do what is mine to do. 


Episode 111 - Where Two or Three Gather


Episode 109 - Prayer Power