Episode 102 - Sacred Mother


Sacred Mother is an archetype and a planetary energy. She embodies the energies of love, comfort, care and healing, and is the feminine nature of God. On our spiritual paths we are called to awaken to the Sacred Mother in her many forms and integrate her into our being. When we do this important work, we balance ourselves and bring balance to the world. Sacred Mother can be found in our religious traditions, our Mother Earth, in God, our own mother figures and within. Ultimately, when we are able to see her in everything, we will know God in a deeper way. In this episode we share our personal experience of the Sacred Mother and how we can celebrate her.



Sacred Mother is an archetype and a planetary energy. She embodies the energies of love, comfort, care and healing. She is the feminine nature of God.


Western culture values masculine energies of doing, achieving and succeeding. There is an opportunity to restore balance from inside out.


We are called to restore balance and awaken to the Sacred Mother in all her many forms

Sacred Mother is expressed in our faith traditions, our Mother Earth, Mother God, our own mother figures and within us.

Sacred Mother in Faith Traditions


Sacred Earth Mother

She is the inspiration and energy under all Life

The soil, the water, the sky, the leaves, the wind

Her energy is creative, caring and nurturing, but also tempestuous


Sacred Mother as God

We have inherited a reference to God as 'Father’ or ‘Him’

“And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” Genesis 1:26


Can we find her in our own mom?

The spiritual path calls us to make peace with our earthly mother and our experience of  her -- the good,  the bad and the ugly


She could also be a grandmother, aunt, teacher or other mother figure

Who has consistently shown up in your life as the comforter, caretaker or healer? Who has actively nurtured your creative unfoldment?


Sacred Mother Within

She is the part of us that gives birth to our creative endeavors

Self-love and self-care

She sees the best of who we are and inspires us to live authentically and freely


An Invitation:


Dialogue and Inquiry

Who or what do you experience as the Sacred Mother?

How does the Sacred Mother show up in you?

Is it easy or challenging to experience God as Mother? What difference would it make in your heart?

What is your experience of seeing everything as a manifestation of the Sacred Mother?

What else do you want to share about Sacred Mother? •How can we celebrate her?

Closing Thought

I celebrate the Sacred Mother, giver of Life, who embodies healing, comfort and nurturing. I celebrate Mother Nature in all her glory and actively look for ways to receive her Good and appreciate her life-giving essence. I celebrate mothers everywhere—biological mothers, adoptive mothers, and my mother; women who are trailblazers, caregivers, mentors, and mothers to the masses. I embrace the Divine Feminine as part of me. And say thank you, Divine Mother/Father God!


Episode 103 - Awakening to Beauty


Episode 101 - Nourish Body, Mind and Spirit