Episode 188 - Dating the Aphrodite Way

As an independent thinker from a very young age, Charlotte Cressey is currently on a quest to manifest a paradigm shift for humanity in the department of love. Growing up and through her educational pursuits, she was exposed to the theories of feminism, but ultimately concluded that she needed to develop her own theory. Her forthcoming book, Like a Virgin: Dating the Aphrodite Way, distills her research of 20+ years on this topic and shifts the dating paradigm to one based on shared power between men and women, which honors the body, self,  soul and divine. Among the many topics we discuss in this episode are:

·      Why she chose Aphrodite as the archetype for women in relationship/dating

·      The sanctity of our bodies and the need to focus our energy beyond pursuit of the perfect mate

·      The spiritual consequences of today’s hook-up culture and transactional relationships

·      The power in waiting and choosing

·      Clearing out old beliefs about men, women, courtship and marriage

·      Creation versus competition

Charlotte is a life-long animal activist and holds a Master’s Degree in Women’s Spirituality and a Bachelor’s Degree in Women’s Studies. She currently coaches people on dating the Aphrodite way and is offering an online course in 2023.

NOTE: In this episode I mention the courtship practices of Birds of Paradise. Scroll down for a short video of that below.

Charlotte Cressey’s website

Sign up for Charlotte's online courses, enroll in one-on-one work to manifest your Legendary Love, or receive updates on her book release:  DatingTheAphroditeWay.com.  To sign up for The Vegan Paradigm Shift teachings, go here: TheVeganParadigmShift.com

Charlotte's recommended further reading and courses:


Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, The Rules

The original "Fascinating Womanhood or The Art of Attracting Men" consists of eight booklets published by The Psychology Press in 1922.  Some volumes of the book series are accessible for free on GoogleBooks and, at times, available for sale elsewhere.  This 1922 version is the best version of Fascinating Womanhood by Cressey's standards.

Helen Andelin, Fascinating Womanhood: How the Ideal Woman Awakens a Man's Deepest Love and Tenderness 

Dixie Andelin Forsyth, Fascinating Womanhood for the Timeless Woman

Alena Kate Pettitt, Ladies Like Us, English Etiquette


Epstein/ Moore, The Technique of the Love Affair

Women's Spirituality:

The Queen Teachings with Ava Park 

Sign up to learn more by contacting Ava at Ava@MuseumofWoman.us

Ava's Queen Coach Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBu925ZjMdM

Anne Baring and Jules Cashford, The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image

Barbara G. Walker, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets 

Patricia Monaghan, Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines

Riane Eisler, Sacred Pleasure

spiritual dating, charlotte cressey, aphrodite, how to keep your power when dating

Charlotte Cressey


Episode 189 - Christmas/Holiday Miracles


Episode 187 - The Search for Meaning