What World Do You Want?

While our media and government have us perpetually focused on the crises of their choosing (right now it’s a Covid variant called Omicron), I believe the real crisis is a spiritual one. Humanity seems to be standing on unsolid ground, disconnected from our Essence and afraid.

We have traversed a lot of ground since "two weeks to flatten the curve." Right now, countries like Austria, Australia and Germany are locking down the unvaccinated and/or isolating them into internment facilities. Mandatory vaccination is being implemented. I never thought I would live in such a world. It is a violation of everything I hold sacred about the body and our natural right to establish healthy boundaries and exercise choice. The people who are choosing not to get the jab are not making a political stance. They have legitimate reasons based on real information, and have made the right decision for themselves. This is a choice that everyone should be able to make for themselves.

These measures are being done in the name of “public safety,” making it seem (regrettably) necessary. This is of course a fallacy, because according to the manufacturers, the vaccine does not exempt a person from infection or transmission. Countries with very high vaccination rates are experiencing Covid outbreaks, hospitalizations and deaths. So there is no rational reason to isolate one group from another or deny rights. There is something else going on.

If you think there is an end to Covid if we just 'follow the rules,' I think that is naive. Covid has become a corporate-government business partnership that has successfully transferred (and continues to transfer) unprecedented levels of wealth and control to elite classes. Just as IBM and Ford saw the rise of Nazism in the 1940's as a good business opportunity (Holocaust be damned), there is too much money in passport, ID and surveillance technologies, data harvesting, and the never ending plethora of pharmaceutical products and medical procedures. Left unchecked, our fears will continually fuel this insatiable economic/power engine. But we the people could will it away, if we are able to see it clearly enough.

Do we want to live in a permanent fear-based pandemic culture? Are we willing to change our entire society and require health passports to give us access to the normal benefits of society, such as groceries and employment? Are we willing to get whatever injections/pills the corporate-government partnership stipulates to keep our passport requirements up to date? Are we okay with the government deciding that some of us (today it's healthy unvaccinated people) must be separated from the rest of society? Do we have any lines in the sand on these things?

For me, alarm bells are going off everywhere.

For some reason, we are experiencing a bifurcation of humanity. We find ourselves divided into two reality timelines, embroiled in constant disagreements about vaccines, masks, mandates, data, information sources and more -- all of which distinguish our clashing worldviews. Some families have sadly ejected their unvaccinated members from holiday gatherings. Some vaccinated people (even physicians!) literally hope the unvaccinated will die or be denied medical treatment, even though medical treatment is afforded over and over to people who constantly abuse their bodies, and even though the vaccinated are also getting hospitalized. Many long-time relationships have been broken. Each side stays cloistered in echo chambers, spewing out sound bites, unwilling to engage the other in honest conversation. Our individual and collective shadows are at play. Everything must come to the light.

Our divisive behaviors also point to our lack of cohesive grounding regarding what really matters. We should seriously ponder that. What does matter? What kind of society do we really want? Who are we going to be as divine beings in a complicated and dangerous, three-dimensional world? What world do we want to create?

We are not going back to anything we would call "normal" The ship has sailed and we are going forward into the unknown. If enough of us do our inner, spiritual work, on the other side of this could be a much more cohesive world, centered on our divine nature, health, freedom, and our need for authentic connection. If we don’t, we may find ourselves in the world designed for us by the corporation-government hegemony - a technocratic, authoritarian, but ‘safe state,' with the illusion of protection. It won't look like that at first. The darkness will disguise itself as light.

I know that the Kingdom of God will prevail and we will come to a place in consciousness where we live as the Divine beings that we are, free of all control/exploitation programs. The timing is up to us. To actively participate in this timeline, we need to first see the reality before us now, do our shadow work, listen to our inner authority, and stay anchored in our Truth. To start, I invite you to pray and be open to seeing what you cannot yet see about yourself and the world. Be open. God will show you if you ask. And anchor yourself in Love.

Finally, no matter how you view the world, do what you can to not fall into fear and make sure you stay connected in love. As the angels of the Christmas story said, “Fear not! I bring you good news!” The good news is you are an eternal, free being, and born in you is the Christ. You are God’s beloved, perfectly designed and equipped, mighty in power. There is nothing and no one that can harm you -- not a tiny virus or a behemoth world government.

"You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

© carol saunders 2021


Angels and the Christmas Story


Turkey Day