Thoughts on Vaccine Passports

Last year, I was all in with 'two weeks to flatten the curve.' It was a wonderful, caring gesture of huge proportions, and I was delighted to see the best of humanity come forth and be willing to sacrifice for the most fragile. But after a couple dozen anomalies (I don't have the space to name them all here), I realized that something else was going on. Yes, people got sick. Sadly people died. It has been tragic for thousands of families, as every loss is tragic. But in a broader sense, the response was not about caring for people or restoring health. There were a lot of steps we could have taken to accomplish those two things, potentially saving many lives. Instead, after implementing long duration lock downs, isolation and shuddered businesses, we were told we would not get 'back to normal' until the ENTIRE WORLD was vaccinated -- vaccinated for a condition where 80% of deaths were people 65+ and 94% had comorbidities. That's a very extreme solution for the rest of the population, which should have set off alarms in our individual and collective psyches. But since we have been culturally conditioned since birth to equate health with medicine and injections, and since fear of death and suffering was broadcast nonstop, it seemed reasonable to many, perhaps most people.

Now we are facing the implementation of vaccine mandates and passports (a year old conspiracy theory coming to fruition). This is a critical juncture in our spiritual evolution. It will have an enormous impact on all of humanity, beyond what we have even begun to allow ourselves to imagine. It's no wonder we see millions of people around the world fighting back (France, London, Italy, Australia, Canada, NYC and more). They are fighting for everyone's freedom, not just their own.

The passport will likely be deemed a "health" passport and contrary to its name, will be no indicator of health, rather vaccination status. It will not take into account natural immunity or the overall health of an individual, even though one's susceptibility to dis-ease is connected to these things. It will consider if you are up to date with the shots determined to be necessary for you. It will allow access to society for those who are deemed medically acceptable and deny access to those who are not so deemed. The criteria for medical acceptability will be continually updated, and there will be more and more and more shots (which I would guess, none of us have ever read any of their labels to discern what's actually in them). This isn't just about COVID, or health.

Half of our population is choosing to forgo the current vaccines. These people have been called selfish, yet they have legitimate and thoughtful reasons for their choice (see video below for one example). This half could potentially lose employment and be cast out of much of what society offers.

I'm just going to say it. We've been here before. We've done this before. We think it is different this time because 'those were the olden days' and 'it's a virus now' and 'we need to be safe' and it's 'for the good of all.' Yet for thousands of years humans have been told it's 'for the good of all.' We need to stop listening to people who speak those words to justify marginalizing or harming a segment of the population. The Inquisition was 'for the good of all.' The burning of witches was 'for the good of all.' The holocaust was 'for the good of all.' Segregation was 'for the good of all.' Do we really want to do this again?

If you think this isn't happening, just stay awake and observe. It never ends the way it begins. Notice incrementalism. Notice how words are used to name their opposite. Notice how fears are churned up by the media. Pay attention to censorship. Be vigilant. And be open to changing your mind.

These are concerning times. The messaging of television has fomented widespread fear. History has shown that it is easy to manipulate people who are in fear, to twist it into imagined divisions and scapegoating. It can get really mean because when it is hard to hold the feeling of fear ourselves, we project it onto others, blaming them for society's woes. We have become afraid of each other and are teaching our children to be afraid -- afraid of their breath, of connection, of themselves, and of life itself. Many of us have given up our inner God authority and relinquished it to the authority of outer experts and politicians, who may not have our best interests in mind. We are fixated on numbers of cases and variants and such, and how other people aren't behaving the way we want. We are disconnected from Source. I wonder what our lives would be like if we unplugged from the TV and were less 'informed.'

We don't have to dwell in fear as much as we do. I've been thinking about how Jesus would go to the outskirts of towns and minister to the downtrodden and outcast -- the lepers who were cast out due to fear of contagion. He simply disregarded the control structures of his time, took charge of his own life, and loved people, even the most detested and 'unclean.' He touched them! Love doesn't fear, project, scapegoat, isolate or deny people basic rights. The Christ Essence, evidenced in this great man, is in each one of us.

Who are we going to be?

I believe we are being called now to take bold steps to reclaim our purpose and remember who we are. Our souls have a creative purpose. We are not here on this earth plane to stay safe and avoid danger. We are here to have the fullness of the human experience -- all of it. Joy. Agony. Gain. Loss. Birth. Death. We have been created free and that includes making choices for ourselves and our bodies - the foods we eat, the drugs and medications we take, the water we drink, the amount of exercise we get. To grow, we also get to experience the results of our choices. That's the Law of Cause and Effect, acting on us over many lifetimes. If we could just settle into this and remember who we are, we would be okay. But it will take some deep, meaningful spiritual work. The kind that makes us cringe or turns our stomachs. Trauma healing. Shadow integration. Embodiment. Prayer. Meditation. Grounding with the earth. Releasing projections isn't a cakewalk.

On a macro plane, we are participants in a massive evolutionary shift on every level. We won't be returning to anything we would recognize as normal, so we might as well purge that thought from our minds. Change and technology are accelerating rapidly. Language is being altered and twisted. Illusions are being shattered everywhere, but not everyone can see them, rendering what looks like two distinct timeline realities. All this makes these the strangest of times. But we must remember we have chosen to be here for this and we each have a role. Each of us is contributing to the collective consciousness that is creating our collective experience. Together we are birthing something new, our next place in evolution. Will it be a beautiful child or a monster? That's how strange it feels. That's how unusually uncertain and unknown the future seems right now. In the end, Love and light always prevail. We know this and must keep our focus on this truth. But to accomplish our next evolutionary step, the light may need to root out the shadows for awhile.

Given all the work we have done up to this point, and standing in Faith, we can make our contribution to the collective consciousness an uplifting one. In prayer, we can 'lift our eyes to the hills from where our help comes." (Psalm 121:1). We can dig into the depths of our being and do real healing and integration work. We can use our imagination to envision a different solution than the ones being pushed on us now -- one where, like Jesus, we disregard the control structures of our time, take charge of our own lives, and love one another.

Please pray on this and anchor yourself in the Light. God is in the midst. Always.

© carol saunders 2021


NOTE: If you are wondering, of course I am saddened and concerned about the loss of life from COVID, including those caused by the lockdowns. Every loss is tragic, especially for loved ones. This thing may be around for a long time. I do not have confidence that science can 'beat it.' I think humanity is generally stuck in an outdated war paradigm when it comes to 'fighting' dis-ease, and we should be looking at what we need to stop doing rather than trying to actively kill an invisible enemy. In any case, if this isn't a wake up call to make some drastic changes to our lifestyles and give ourselves the best chance at life, I don't know what is. Most of us have spent decades abusing our bodies, and storing trauma in our cells and tissues. We consume toxic foods that are generally incompatible with our physiology. We have forgotten how to nourish and heal our divine bodies. It is time to remember, and as I said earlier in this blog post, do the gnarly, deep, really hard, 'please don't make me' healing. Maybe that's what this whole thing is about.


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