Prayer Inspired by the Prayer of St. Francis

I wrote this prayer nearly six years ago when I started my Wolf and the Lamb blog. It was my first blog entry. Recently I used it to close a Facebook live session and because so many people felt its energy, I thought I would also post it here. May those who have ears to hear, hear!

Blessed Spirit, Source of All,

I make myself an instrument of peace.
Where there is hatred, I sow love;
Wherever there is injury, I refrain from injuring;
Where there is doubt, l have faith in my own convictions and ability to move mountains;
Where there is despair, l give hope;
Where there is ignorance, I bring illumination;
Where there is darkness, I bear light;
Where there is entrenchment, I inspire with a new vision;
Where there is sadness, I allow myself to feel from the depth of my soul and stay focused on what is good and right and possible in the world.

Knowing the Divine Truth that we are all One,
I bless ALL of Life – all living beings,
Not just those I consider to be like me.
I commit myself to living as Loving-Kindness and Compassion.
No beings tremble before me,
For I AM Love, Peace and Freedom.

And so it is.


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