Episode 134 - Self-mastery and Creative Power

We are each endowed with inner spiritual power – the kind of power we can exercise over our own selves, not over others. This is our ability to master or have dominion over our thoughts, feelings, and habits, and to move energy from one state of consciousness to another. The center of power resides in the throat chakra, for it is our voice that often brings the invisible (ideas) into the visible world (manifestation). Power in its purest form is self-mastery - the recognition that nothing and no one has power over us. In this episode, we share where we are with self-mastery and how we use the power of our word to create.

We are each endowed with inner spiritual power – the kind of power we can exercise over our own selves, not over others. This is our ability to master or have dominion over our thoughts, feelings, and habits, and to move energy from one state of consciousness to another. The center of power resides in the throat chakra, for it is our voice that often brings the invisible (ideas) into the visible world (manifestation). Power in its purest form is self-mastery - the recognition that nothing and no one has power over us. In this episode, we share where we are with self-mastery and how we use the power of our word to create.


Spiritual Power is our ability to:

Master or have dominion over our thoughts, feelings and habits

Move energy from one state of consciousness to another

It resides in the throat chakra - our voice brings the invisible (ideas) into the visible world (manifestation)

Spiritual Power versus Worldly Power

  • Not about control over or dominating others

  • Power rests within

  • It is over our own self that we exercise our spiritual gift of power 

Jesus in the wilderness chooses spiritual power over worldly power

Jesus in wilderness.jpg

“God is absolute power, and your ability to draw upon God as Power allows you to transform solids into liquids, ideas into bridges, and thoughts into buildings. This is your ability to heal, change your environment, and draw your good.” William Warch in How to Use Your Twelve Gifts from God Wisdom: Arises from within, resides in the pit of the stomach

When we live authentically, stand in who we are, speak our truth, and heal ourselves – we exercise our inner power


Power as the word:

  • Creation

  • Affirmation

  • Influence

Dialogue and Inquiry

Where do you think you are with self-mastery - the recognition that nothing and no one has power over you?

Where are with your ability to have dominion over your thoughts, feelings and habits?

How have you used your inner power to change a habit, stand in your authenticity, speak your truth or influence others?

Have you ever given your power to others? What was under that and what happened?

What is your experience of the power of your word?

Share a time when you have been affected by the inner power of another person. What happened? Why were you affected?

Tell us about a time when you spoke something into existence.

Closing Thought

I am equipped with inner spiritual power, which leads me to self-mastery. I have the power to change my reactions - what I think and feel. I am not at the mercy of habits that do not contribute to my well-being. I take dominion over my behavior. My words are creative and I speak into existence the truth that I know, honoring them with consistent action. No person or condition has power over me. I am Divine Power and create my world.


Episode 135 - The Order of Life


Episode 133 - Wisdom to Know the Difference