Episode 224 - Exile and Rebirth of the Divine Mother

“We have divorced ourselves so entirely from the living soil, that we imagine we exist outside of its cosmic order. With our screens and our machines, our drugs, and our dictators, we have placed all faith in the greatness of our intellect, and in doing so, sent into exile the intuitive wisdom of the divine feminine force.” -- Maré Hieronimus

Maré Hieronimus is a mother, dancer, writer and philosopher. Her unconventional upbringing on a commune in Maryland - surrounded by mystical teachings, a reverence for the earth, and a love of dance - allowed her to grow up keeping traditional societal roles and values at arm’s length. She listened to the call of her soul to live a creative life. Maré is a return guest on The Spiritual Forum podcast. In this episode – one year later - we once again explore what we see happening on the world stage through a spiritual lens. Maré shares her perspectives on transhumanism, the exile of the Sacred Mother, the widespread dislocation of the soul from the body, the war on children and women, and the meaning of sacred biology. Some of the things we talk about are:

·      The need to have conversations about what is happening

• The divine feminine as the portal

• The erasure of the high sacred feminine through transhumanism

• The ways we play God

• Extraction from our wisdom lineages cause us to not anchor

• The sacred nature of the human form

• We are set adrift when we split ourselves from our bodies

• Divine wisdom pulses through us when we are healthy

• There is a mass dislocation from our intuition

• The inversion of politics

• What is the remedy?

• Hope for the human spirit

Website: https://thesacredbody.earth

Sacred Body Teaching: https://www.patreon.com/TheSacredBody

© the spiritual forum 2023

divine mother, inversion of politics, sacred body, transhumanism, transgender, questioning biology, disembodiment, intuition,

Maré Hieronimus

More Maré Hieronimus quotes from Episode 224 - Exile and Rebirth of the Divine Mother:

“In truth we must understand that the Goddess was cast out thousands of years ago, which set the balance adrift. The two polarities cannot exist without each other, both within, and without. The sacred balance of masculine and feminine, of Yin and Yang, of Siva and Shakti, of dark and light, of right and left, it must be acknowledged and honored as our sacred ground of reality, for it upholds the very fabric of our world. It is the mingling of the two that creates life, it is the sacred passage through the spine into the numinous, it is the holy reflection of all that is, and there is an attack on its very existence.” --

“As the great teacher and mystic Krishnamurti once said, it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. And this is where I believe we have found ourselves today, in its fullest iteration.”

“We are living through an incredible time of transition. Many, through their own deep trauma and conditioning, are unable to see what is occurring right before our eyes, wearing blinders and standing for a system that has blood on its hands.”

“This is a monumental time in human history. This is a time to awaken and to witness what is transpiring. The world will never be the same.”

“The times we live in are truly profound, exquisite in their revelations for those who are willing to look. We are graced to be alive to witness this great turning.”


Episode 225 - The Power of the Soul


Episode 223 - Religion: Reality Behind the Myths