Episode 8 - Clearing Our Consciousness


As a run-up to Easter we are looking at the story as if it were our own. There is a lot of very pertinent symbolism around the story of Jesus clearing the Temple. This is when we do a big release - or reset - of our consciousness. Sometimes gently letting go is what is needed. Other times something a bit more jolting is what we need. Here we discuss times in our lives when we 'cleared our own temple.'


Jesus of Nazareth represents the inner Christ that is authentically true to Self, completely alive and able to move through life powerfully as Strength, Love, Wisdom, Under-standing and Non-resistance

The Jerusalem Temple represents the spiritual center in consciousness.


There were 300,000-400,000 pilgrims during Passover. The Romans are outnumbered. The Priests and Pharisees are threatened – a political hotbed. An ensuing conflict was very likely

Clearing the Temple = Clearing Consciousness

What happened in the story:

Jesus drives out the money changers and animal sacrifice/selling business

The temple had become place of commerce, commotion, material priorities, personal gain, dishonesty, oppression. These were blocks to God, not prayer & devotion

Dialogue Questions:

Can you find a den of thieves in your own consciousness? How are you robbing, oppressing or being dishonest with yourself? What blocks can you remove in order to fully experience your inner Divine Being?

Are there thoughts/behaviors that need to be driven from your consciousness or reversed (i.e. turned over)?

Can you share an experience from your past where you cleared your temple? What happened?


I take a personal inventory and clear my consciousness to remove any obstruction that  I have put before Spirit within. I put God first and choose Love, Peace and Forgiveness.


Episode 9 - The Dark Night


Episode 5 - What Is God?