Episode 25 - Ten Spiritual Truths: Only God


The Ten Commandments are foundational statements for successful living. Each one can be looked at from a surface perspective or a deeply personal, soul perspective. We'll be doing more of the latter than the former.


Ten Commandments: boundaries for a fulfilling life, challenges for a spiritual life

All major religions have some form of‘rules for life’

Exodus 20: “Then God spoke all thesewords: ‘I am the Lord your God, whobrought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; youshall have no other gods before me.’”

Translation: I am the I AM, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; there is only One Presence, One Power, One I Am. I am Love; there is only Love.

Dialogue Questions:

I amthe I AM, who brought you out of slavery; there is only One Presence, OnePower.

Whatdoes this statement mean to you?

How does this statement actively live in your life?

Practically speaking, how would your life be different if you purposefully lived "Only God"?


There is no place in my consciousness for anything which is unlike God. There is no room there for any thoughts which are not in keeping with the Mind of God. God is Allness - my life and the substance that sustains and enriches my life. Divine Love is the very source out of which all life is created and sustained--uniting every element within the Universe and every person in the world in harmony.gh my love of Creation.


Episode 26 - Ten Spiritual Truths: Focus!


Episode 24 - Living as Stardust